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Gabriella Jones


Gabriella has been working in the industry for several years, predominantly in customer service roles – which has also included working in a chocolate shop! Outside of work she is most often found with her nose in a book, with her passport in hand travelling to far flung places, or sitting in a theatre watching a musical.

If you could have the power of teleportation, where would you go and why?

Japan. I’ve wanted to go to since I was about 11 years old but more than anything would love to avoid that 13-hour flight as whilst I love travelling, I absolutely hate flying.

You might be surprised to know that I…

Have a master’s degree in History and did my dissertation on the witch trials. I like to joke that I have a degree in witchcraft so I can watch people’s faces turn from confused to concerned in quick succession.

You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?

Black Velvet by Alannah Myles. Always performed with the appropriate hairography.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a…

A Marine Biologist or a Forensic Scientist.

Top of my bucket list is…

To see the Northern Lights.

What’s your favourite family tradition?

My mum takes a few days to cook what has been referred to for years as “that dang ham” in the lead up to Christmas. Every year we say we’re not touching it until Christmas Day and inevitably we end up eating an absolute monster ham and pickle sandwich every Christmas Eve.

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